Engineering Services

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Engineering Services

Vandidad Design Engineering Company, to provide all engineering services related to the construction industry, has set up various engineering service units with a certificate of professional legal competence from the Engineering Organization of Tehran province for many years. Each of Vandidad Engineering Services Units, in the form of subsidiaries of the parent company (Vandidad), provides a part of the specialized services of the construction industry. Design and Supervision, Concrete and Geotechnical Laboratory Services, Implementation and Contract Management, and Research and Development are among the specialized units for providing engineering services of Vandidad company.
Vandidad company has a 1st-grade Designing and Supervision License from the Ministry of Road and Urban Development, and it has completed many projects in Tehran during its long business life.
In the field of execution, this company, in cooperation with its subsidiary company (Banian Namad Exon Company; BANA), which has a 1st-grade Execution License from the Ministry of Road and Urban Development, provides all the services of the building execution.
Also, Test consulting engineers (Tasbit Saman Tahkim Consulting Engineers), another subsidiary of Vandidad Company, which has a 1st-grade license from the Ministry of Road and Urban Development, carry out soil and concrete tests in construction projects.