The Opening of Beryanak plaza


The CEO of the Urban Renewal Organization of Tehran announced that the opening of Beryanak plaza in district 10 and Daryaft plaza in district 18 would be on September 6.



According to the Office of International Affairs and Communications of Urban Renewal Organization of Tehran, after announcing this news, Kave Haji Ali Akbari indicated: Beryanak plaza in district 10, of about 12,000 square meters, was previously an abandoned space on top of the Beyanak metro station, which has organized and turned into an eventful urban space through converting the abandoned space into a quality arena, aiming at providing some of Beryanak neighborhood required services in cultural, recreational and green space areas, improving the presence of citizens in the public arena, improving social interactions and increasing the sense of belonging to the neighborhood.
According to Ali Akbari, constructing some stores, installing city television, building skate, basketball, and kids playgrounds, installing flowerbox and handrails, building lavatories, standard handicapped ramps, sidewalks, and so on are some of the most effective proceedings in this plaza.
Regarding Daryaft plaza, the CEO of UROT explained: Daryaft plaza, of 10,000 square meters, is a cultural, sports and service and open urban space which is located in the southern Yaft Abad neighborhood in district 18 and has artificial grass ground, library, kindergarten, restaurant, commercial centers, lavatories, etc.
Ali Akbari stated: The implementation of both plazas started in late 1399, and currently, the construction and furnishing of the open space of both plazas have ended, and the projects are at the last stage of implementation and completion of construction measures according to the coordinations done, these two plazas will be accessible on September 6.

The exploitation of Briyank Plaza using exposed prefabricated concrete components produced by Vandidad Company

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